Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lush Cupcake Fresh Face Mask

I wanted to profess my love of all things Lush. Lush is a skin care company out of Europe that is very earth-friendly and natural. Additionally, Lush seems to me to embody good values as a company. They support social causes, animal rights, and are fabulous at customer service. Lastly, and one might argue most importantly when choosing a skin-care regiment, Lush products are phenomenally effective. I've been using Lush products for almost a year, but went exclusively to Lush skin care in January, and I haven't looked back since (with one exception, I will ALWAYS support my ladies at Soap and Glory, a company and product line very similar to me to Lush).

So here is me wearing the Lush Cupcake Fresh Face Mask. What you also cannot see is that beneath it I am trying Greased Lightening, which labelled as a skin cleanser, but is really more of an oil solution. This is my first go at putting Greased Lightening under a mask, but apparently they told my roomie Rebekah to do that. So cupcake is geared towards combating breakouts and oil. It is super brown and thick because it is literally made out of chocolate. It smells like a cake slathered all over your face. And, because I'm a bit clumsy, I can also attest to the fact that it doesn't taste too far off that mark either. It really seems to help quell the start of breakouts and decompress them when I have them. In general, the Fresh Face Masks, which are made from fresh ingredients and need to be stored in a fridge, are refreshing and fun, and are an affordable way to pamper yourself.

I cannot speak highly enough of my decision to use only Lush products on my face. While I've never had the craziest skin, I do get blemishes enough to bother me, and then I get annoying scars that I couldn't seem to prevent. I have never been super happy with my looks, so I had developed a sense of learned helplessness. But almost immediately after switching to Lush, I stopped having more than the occasional blemish, and those that I do have are small, less painful, and don't make me want to break mirrors. Again, I'm a laid back kind of lady, so I had never been one to HAVE to put on makeup, but I now feel like I don't need makeup to feel pretty or to look confidently in a mirror, and it therefor is fun to wear makeup again. It has been a noticeable change, Rebekah and some of my friends have noticed how great my skin looks now. I'm not saying Lush is the be-all, end-all for everyone, but it has worked miracles for me.

Ok, last note before signing off, don't judge me, I don't know why but I never put masks on my forehead...or really moisturizer or anything...I also NEVER breakout there, so maaaybe that is worth considering...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Goal Accomplished!

I am so proud of myself. I have been saying since I started working at Temple that I would take advantage of the fitness certifications they offer in yoga, but every time they offer it I would come up with an excuse. It was offered this week, and they had a free pass, and on Thursday they offered it to me. I went for it. I am not in shape, wasn't yogically prepared, let alone mentally prepared, and had Phils tix. But, I jumped on it. And, hopefully I passed, but I am so happy because I did it. No excuses. I had subscribed to Yoga Journal in prep to take the course, but then talked myself out of it because it was too expensive and I'm saving for my trip to Scotland in July. But, with the free pass, I didn't have that excuse (and I took the time away from these few days without spending money). It felt good to be physical and mental and learn and wake up early and connect with new people and spend time with my friend Lizzy. And then today I got my first issue of Yoga Journal in the mail. I think of synchronicity when things like this happen. I am feeling good enough about the test (I only know of one I got wrong, cause I was so concerned about the hard questions that I missed an easy one, eek!) and I feel pretty good about the practical. It felt amazing to teach! I can't wait to find out, and figure out the next step in my yoga journey!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Start at the beginning, and when you get to the end, stop

So I've been craving a blog for a long time. And talking about it. And planning it. So, here it is... I have no idea what I'll do with it, but I think it'll come together as I write. I'd like this to be a place of creativity in my life. Right now I feel like my life is being pulled in so many directions, but I'm not taking the time to focus on any one avenue. I'm not happy where I am professionally, but not really ready to make any changes. I get so excited about possibilities, but am too scared to move towards anything different. I must admit, it is nice that, besides my career issues, I feel pretty good about my life right now. I don't see my friends enough, but I'm finally trying to take time for myself during the week (read: more than one night home/week). So, this will hopefully allow me to focus or grow or be grounded, or at least complain anonymously...