Monday, April 18, 2011

Start at the beginning, and when you get to the end, stop

So I've been craving a blog for a long time. And talking about it. And planning it. So, here it is... I have no idea what I'll do with it, but I think it'll come together as I write. I'd like this to be a place of creativity in my life. Right now I feel like my life is being pulled in so many directions, but I'm not taking the time to focus on any one avenue. I'm not happy where I am professionally, but not really ready to make any changes. I get so excited about possibilities, but am too scared to move towards anything different. I must admit, it is nice that, besides my career issues, I feel pretty good about my life right now. I don't see my friends enough, but I'm finally trying to take time for myself during the week (read: more than one night home/week). So, this will hopefully allow me to focus or grow or be grounded, or at least complain anonymously...